

5  /  5 Reviews
Nov 24, 2019 Last updated


Older Versions

# Change Log

This is mainly a bug fix release for 4.2


SkyChart (also known as Cartes du Ciel) is a free, open source, cross-platform software that allows you to draw sky charts by using data found in a lot of catalogs with stars and nebulae.

The program is a part of a full suite that can be used for astronomical observation such as ccdciel (a CCD capture app), indistarter (app to run an INDI server) and eqmodgui (GUI for Linux INDI Eqmod telescope driver). Being developed since 2002, it is one of the best tools for any astronomer. SkyChart runs on Microsoft Windows, Linux, and macOS.


- a full suite that makes the program a tremendous celestial atlas

- more complete when compared with a conventional planetarium

- shows the position of asteroids and planets

- a large number of parameters help you choose the right catalog

- color, dimensions of stars and nebulae, planet representation

- labels and grids coordinates, visibly conditions, superposition of images

- additional catalogs and DSO pictures available for download and install

- etc.

Note: SkyChart beta version and additional catalogs can be downloaded and installed from the official homepage here.

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