Anti Malware


4  /  58 Reviews
Oct 12, 2018 Last updated



FreeFixer is a free anti-malware tool which helps you to identify and remove related infections. It is created and developed by Roger Karlsson since 2006 and currently is one of the few and among the best tools that you can use to identify and remove malware. After each scan, you need to decide which files you wish to remove or keep but its website can help you to make a difference between legit and suspicious sites.

Important: Make sure to read the "User's Manual" page before you decide to remove detected files. If you remove legit data, you might damage a specific installed software or worse your operating system. If you suspect a malware infection but still don't know what to do, try to run FreeFixer and see if detects anything suspicious. If it does, at least you can lookup for that particular file on the Internet or try to install and run a decent anti-virus and see if it detects the same infection - if it does, most likely it will attempt to remove it.

FreeFixer Review

FreeFixer provides a solution to one of the biggest threats in the world of computer hacking. Many attackers place a file in your computer that remains inactive for a while. Then, it opens up on a set date and releases malware into your system.

FreeFixer is slightly misnamed because it doesn’t fix anything. (The “free” part is accurate, though.) It scans your files and gives you a list that is divided into trusted ones and unknown ones. The trusted ones cannot be removed after you have examined with FreeFixer. It is up to you to decide if any of unknown ones should be deleted or be restored to their default settings.

That means you either need to be able to recognize malicious files quickly or be prepared to do your homework. Deleting essential data can ruin your computer, though presumably, these are on the “trusted” list.

Why Use FreeFixer

This software is set to search in known hiding places for viruses and other threats. It does an excellent job of finding the nooks and crannies on your computer. It may work best as a supplement to any other scanning software you run, such as Malwarebytes. Since each type of software has its parameters, one may catch what the other one doesn’t.

By the way, some anti-malware scans will classify FreeFixer as malware and tell you to remove it. This is a false positive and is a known issue. FreeFixer is not malware.

How to Determine if Files are a Threat

FreeFixer provides a “more info” link next to each file so that you can learn about it. This clears up most of the confusion right away, but if you are still uncertain, do some research on online forums and authoritative sources before you delete. Again, if you remove files by mistake you could damage your Operating System or a certain program.

Best Practice with FreeFixer

This shouldn’t be your only anti-malware tool, but it can make an excellent addition to your arsenal of protection.

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