Graphic Apps


5  /  15 Reviews
Jul 15, 2020 Last updated



PhotoFiltre (the free edition) is a powerful image retouching software built on the same platform used by PhotoFiltre Studio (the paid edition which offers more features).

You can use this program to perform simple or advanced adjustments to an image, apply a vast range of filters on it (watercolor, pastels, Indian ink, pointillism, puzzle effect), perform advanced brushes (standard, diagonal line, custom shapes), batch module and lot of other powerful tools. The software is free for home users and non-profit organizations while for commercial or professional uses you are required to purchase a license for PhotoFiltre Studio X (the paid version).

PhotoFiltre Review

Pictures are all the rage these days. It seems like everyone has a smartphone with a camera as well as picture-laden social media accounts on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. We are an image-focused society, to say the least. PhotoFiltre hits the scene as a free means of retouching and enhancing images with an array of unique effects. Whether you are only looking to make a minor alteration to a picture or desire a significant change, PhotoFiltre will get it done.

The User Experience

Download PhotoFiltre, open the software, and you will immediately find this is one of the best no-cost image retouching programs available to the masses. There is a slight learning curve that most users will master after a couple uses. It doesn't matter if you are a photo editing newbie or a veteran at image alterations. Just about everyone will find PhotoFiltre to be extremely direct and quite easy to use in just about every regard.

The PhotoFiltre interface was designed with the user squarely in mind. All the filters you could hope for are available and do not require multiple clicks to access. Spend a little bit of time playing around with this image editing program, and you just might produce some gorgeous images that rival those generated by the professionals. The fact that such quality is possible is a testament to the depth and wide-ranging abilities of this completely free software. Just about every aspect of PhotoFiltre is easy to learn. Give the software half an hour or so, and you will find that you do not have to refer to its help files to figure out how the majority of functions work.


PhotoFiltre is jam-packed with filters that are placed on the easy-to-use toolbar. All it takes is a couple of clicks to access these filters, and you'll be editing your images in mere seconds. In fact, PhotoFiltre's features are comparable to those provided by the many commercial image editing programs that cost money.

Regarding specific features, PhotoFiltre offers all the expected editing abilities ranging from paint brushes to clone brushes, image effects, thumbnail browsers, image adjustments and photo masks. Furthermore, filters, sizing, and other image alterations can be applied to batch processing. This means you can implement the same edits and additions to a group of images all in one fell swoop. The latest version of PhotoFiltre is capable of handling layers. The software accepts all of the widely used file formats. There is even support for PSD files.

Additional features include buttons that change images to black and white. It is also possible to make a picture look “aged” with a single click of the mouse. Plug-ins are available to minimize “red eye” on photographs. However, these extra plug-ins do not come standard with the original download. The program also provides a handy bezier curve tool that empowers users to create comprehensive manual selections. This tool can be used to improve “complete” pictures with certain adjustments or to perform narrowly targeted alterations. Another cool feature of note is the text dialog's capability of showing font previews.

PhotoFiltre's Filter Bar is Worth Writing Home About

The software's filter bar allows for quick image adjustments that do not require a tiring sequence of clicks. It contains the program's main image alteration tools like auto contrasting and auto leveling. The filter bar also has tools for manual image corrections. Four of these tools have a built-in control set with straightforward “plus” and “minus” buttons that empower users to quickly adjust settings for contrast, brightness, gamma and saturation in an incremental fashion. This simple design and functionality make somewhat complicated functions incredibly simple. Even those who are new to the program will find that the filter bar empowers them to make rapid changes to their images without an extensive investment of time or effort. Go ahead and use the features however you desire. Get creative with the filter bar's tools for softening and sharpening images, altering contrast, changing orientation and so on. You will notice immediate, real-time alterations that can be further modified without delay.


If you were to poll those who downloaded and use PhotoFiltre on a regular basis, the vast majority would give the software a glowing endorsement. The only noticeable flaws are the rare instances when certain file types are not rendered correctly and the lack of extensive keyboard shortcuts. However, many computer users are not even aware that such keyboard commands are possible. Though there are a few complaints about the difficulty of combining effects with layers, most users don't consider the layering challenges to be a “deal breaker.” In the end, this is a nearly flawless image editing program that has legitimate mass appeal. Download it today, and you will not be disappointed.

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