Developer Tools


4  /  34 Reviews
Aug 28, 2018 Last updated



KDiff3 is a free, open source and cross-platform tool designed to analyze text difference and merge files or directories. It features support for Unicode, UTF-8, reveals the difference between each character and line, integrates into Windows Explorer; it can print the differences, etc.

It is similar to other apps such as WinMerge and runs on Windows®, Mac® OS X®, and Linux.

Trademark Note 1: Microsoft®, Windows® and other product names are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

KDiff3 Review

KDiff3 is a program that analyzes graphical text. It supports UF-8, Unicode, other codecs. Support is also provided for KIO on KDE, permitting accessing of FTP, sFTP, smb, and fish. Those who run a computer with MS-Windows®, a platform on which Qt-libs functions (Qt5 or Qt4) or any Un*x supported by the Qt-libs stemming from will not have any operational challenges when it comes to running KDiff3.

What KDiff3 has to Offer

KDiff3 is capable of analyzing upwards of three input files while providing character by character analysis. The software performs auto-detection with BOM byte-order-mark, has a text merge tool and an integrated editor that resolves potential merge conflicts. KDiff3's graphic user interface is quite intuitive. This nuanced software has also been programmed to contrast and merge directories. It can even compare entire directory trees. Differences are displayed line by line as well as character by character. The program can print these differences so you can take a look at them on a tangible piece of paper rather than on-screen. It's a nice amenity for those who have grown tired of staring at the screen for hours on end. Those who are in search of a program that allows for three-way merges will favor KDiff3 over other most other software programs. To the surprise of some, there are plenty of other open source viewers that are not capable of handling this type of complex merge.

Why the Software is Worth a Download

KDiff3 is available at no-cost to the user. Go ahead and download this open-source software today and you won't be disappointed. You can directly edit files, compare two files to one another and even modify the merge results with ease. If you are interested in manual code aligning, you can select code in a single window by holding down the control key and simultaneously pressing the “Y” key. Select the additional code in a second window, use the control and Y shortcut again and you will be able to align code manually as desired. Options are also available to pre-process files that the software will eventually compare and contrast.

The Verdict on KDiff3

KDiff3 has been criticized by some for alleged problems that pop up when certain files have different numbers of lines yet this diff and merge program still has merit. Its integrated editor solves merge conflicts with surprising speed and ease. The fact that the software supports a variety of platforms is another part of the reason why it has generated a decent amount of fanfare. In the end, KDiff3 is worth a download and it can be a good alternative to other similar programs such as WinMerge, DiffMerge or Meld.

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